Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The tiny and cute puffbirds of the family Bucconidae found in Central America, South America, Mexico with rare sightings in North America। Panamanian puff birds and other varieties will range from 5 inches to almost a foot. Argentina and Brazil enjoy arboreal Puffbird populations. The camouflage covering and motionless affect of perching Puffbirds make them subtle hunters and rare finds.
The slight size of the average Puffbill is reflected in the size characteristics, as a puffbill can weight from a half ounce to under four ounces. The typical avian zygodactyl claws allow firm maneuvering of the woodland trees. Tails are short and wingspans are not large. Puffbirds are not highly selective diners, as they must feed opportunistically on whatever happens by. Puffbirds don’t mind vegetables, flowers and fruit to support their normally high protein diet.

Puffbirds are brown or grey, with subspecial colorations of distinguished exotic flavor. Breast and underpart accents make the Puff bird a bird watcher’s delight. The tiny birds have a fine and delicate feathered element, a unique physical feature of gular sac type throat located inflation. Puffbirds are whose flattened bills have a hooked tip. The fluffy plumage, curving beak, and short tails makes them look puffy, or slightly overfed. This “macho” look aids the puff bird by defending against perception of its diminutive size
Puffbirds are hole nesters whose migrational habits take them South each year। The puff bird has a sweet appearance and a petite presence, puffing out its throat and chest slightly and trilling its call. Tropical canopy and scrub in the Amazon and Central and South America are where these tiny wonders of the ornithologer’s paradise can be found. Nesting occurs within seasonal rainfalls and as predation allows.
Puffbirds may inflate on the limb, but they work it back when predators approach, which signals to bird watchers that the puffing may be a flirtatious courtship behavior. Conversely reports of puff birds fluffing up when anxious or excited may indicate a conscious trigger. But if the puff bird prefers to inflate when threats do near, then the unique appearance may be to impress predators regarding size. The Puffbird is considered a neotropical species, inhabiting scrubby clearing land and wooded brush that connects covered tree perches to land and moving protein.

The watchful demeanor of the Puffbird pays results when passing invertebrates, insects, or whatever wanders unluckily by. Inhabiting tree cover makes the Puffbird dependent on forestry preservation. As industrial and land development in these nations grows, canals and waterways with likely savannah type Puffbird habitats will be less available. Declining native woodlands due to development and human hunting and potential smuggling keep the Puffbird an increasingly precious sighting.

Types of Puffbird found throughout the world, include White-necked Puffbird, Black-breasted Puffbird, Brown-banded Puffbird, Pied Puffbird, Buff-bellied Puffbird, Chestnut-capped Puffbird, Spotted Puffbird, Sooty-capped Puffbird, Collared Puffbird, Barred Puffbird, White-eared Puffbird, Striolated Puffbird, Spot-backed Puffbird, Russet-throated Puffbird, White-chested Puffbird, Semicollared Puffbird, Crescent-chested Puffbird, Black-streaked Puffbird, Rufous-necked Puffbird, and White-whiskered Puffbird.

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